Frequently Asked Questions

How do I liaise with the surgeon to obtain clarity on my desired procedure?

Question mark with thumbtackConsultation takes place before any surgery to discuss specifics of the surgery. We understand every patient is nervous before the surgery, and hence would want the surgeon to understand clearly the look they want to achieve and clearly explain the procedure and the recovery time to them.

Our customer service team is always available for you to send your queries with pictures attached through our Enquire Now form. They will pass it on to the surgeon who will recommend the best treatment plan for you.

As our goal is to enhance your natural beauty using the most advanced and minimally invasive techniques and technologies, our surgeon will recommend the best treatment tailored for you and advise you on how low you should plan to stay in Vietnam.

What are the things I should be prepared to ask my surgeon?

Whatever question is on your mind. There is no wrong question.

What exactly does the surgeon discuss during the pre-consultation?

The surgeon will need to understand the desired look the patient is aiming for. By examining the patient, the surgeon will recommend the best treatment plan for each patient base on the patient’s frame and limitations. The surgeon will clearly explain the procedure to the patient, how long the procedure will be and how long it takes to recover. If you are traveling to Vietnam, it will be good to ask the surgeon how long you should stay in Vietnam to undergo the surgery.

Do I need to bring any surgical garments?

No, all garments are provided.

Can I view before and after photographs of patients?

Yes – please ask us and we’d be delighted to share these with you.

Do I need to stop all my medications and vitamins before surgery?

Most surgeons provide their patients with a complete list of foods and medications to avoid prior to surgery. The most common of these are aspirin and aspirin-like products like Motrin, Advil, Aleve, etc. In addition, common supplements to avoid include Vitamin E, glucosamine/chondroitin, and fish oil. Certain foods can be rich in Vitamin E and natural salicylates and should be avoided. In general Magnesium is safe, but still would be wise to check a magnesium level as part of your routine preoperative bloodwork. Vitamin B12 is water soluble and is hard to absorb from your GI tract so it is hard to get a toxic dose of B12. Even toxic doses with intramuscular administration are rare. But still would be prudent check with your hematologist to assess your dose of Vitamin B12 and your need to be on it. Good luck with your surgery!

I am overweight. Am I suitable for surgery?
Most plastic surgeries are elective procedures. However, don’t be misled by the word “elective”: a cosmetic procedure is a real surgery, make no mistake. To undergo any elective aesthetic surgery, you must be in good physical health. But what if you want to have a cosmetic procedure, yet you’re not at an ideal weight? Is plastic surgery safe if you’re overweight?

Many studies have shown that overweight and obese patients are at greater risk of developing complications after surgery. Compared to normal-weight patients, rates of heart attack and infection are higher when obese people have surgery. So it’s always best to have your weight in a normal range when you have cosmetic surgery.

Let’s look at the definition of “overweight” and then review some healthy ways to achieve a goal weight. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has an easy way to express the relationship between an adult’s height and weight: your body mass index (BMI). You can use the NIH’s online calculator to find your number. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is normal.

Healthy non-smokers with a BMI in the normal range experience fewer complications from surgery. Someone with a BMI of 25 to 30 is considered overweight and a BMI over 30 is categorized as obese. Most Plastic Surgeons recommend that patients who are considering plastic surgery have a BMI below 30.

If your BMI is above 30 and you want to reduce your weight, you should plan to achieve your goal in a healthy way. First, exercise should be part of your life. When exercise is coupled with a sensible eating plan, the two work together better than either one alone. In fact, any plan to lose weight to have plastic surgery should involve both exercise and nutrition. Remember that your goal is not just to be slimmer, it’s to be in great health for surgery and optimal recovery.

Thirty to forty-five minutes of moderate exercise, like walking or biking, four or more days a week, works great. If you’re saving up for a procedure, don’t feel obligated to spring for a gym membership or expensive exercise equipment; you can begin by simply walking around your neighborhood. Consult a nutritionist, rather than resorting to the latest diet fad, for guidelines on how to eat. You want to be sure that you are not starving your body of the nutrients that it needs.

It’s ideal to be as close to your goal weight as possible before looking into plastic surgery. When your weight has become stable and exercise is a regular part of your life, you’ll be a better candidate for safe cosmetic surgery. As part of his commitment to his patients, Dr. Buford has recently developed a supplement plan for his plastic surgery patients to help them be at optimal health prior to their procedures. Come in for a consultation so the two of you can discuss whether you’re ready for cosmetic surgery.

Do I need to quit smoking before surgery?

Quitting smoking one or two months before planned surgery can significantly lower the risk of complications like poor wound healing. You should consult our surgeon before the surgery.

Many people are nervous before going into surgery – and those who smoke are probably not thinking about quitting right now and having to deal with the additional stress that would involve. But people who smoke are much more likely to have complications after surgery, and especially poor wound healing is more common.

Do I need to change money into your local currency before coming to Vietnam?

We strongly recommend waiting till you get here as you will get a better exchange rate. Get $30 dollars before leaving so that you can get some basics when you arrive.

What do I need to bring along with me to Vietnam?

Comfortable shoes, 100% cotton clothing and a good book. Please let us know if you are traveling alone to Vietnam to undergo the surgery, so our customer service team can help you through the recovery process.

Can you recommend any local accommodations in Vietnam?

Yes. All recommendations are within less than 10 minutes walking distance. Contact us via our Enquire Now form and include your flight details and accommodation budget, so our team will be happy to assist you in booking a hotel.

Will you arrange for transportation to and from the airport during my stay?

All overseas vistitors are picked up at the airport and taken to their hotel. You are taken to our hospital for your first appointment. At completion we drive you back to the airport.

How long will I have swelling and redness on my face after a facelift?

I tell my patients the following. Most look fine and can get back to work and play at two weeks but they will need to accept the fact that confidentiality is not possible at two weeks. Don’t plan for the annual photo for at least 3 or 4 months by then most look fine. Swelling is quick to dissipate 60 % in the first 2 weeks but then the long wait begins. Avoiding salt and sleeping with head elevated helps. Occasionally I recommend diuretics for a boost in swelling reduction. By 3 months most have 80% of swelling gone. Buy 6 months 85 to 90 % is gone. The last 10% can take most of a full year. There are huge differences in people. I have been amazed at how some swell so little and some so much. A GREAT TRICK is to go on a very low salt diet starting 2 weeks prior to surgery. Try to not go over 1500 mg per day. Remember the cause of swelling. Surgery disturbs your little lymphatics. There are zillions of these little vessels. Enough to stretch to the moon in one person. Until they reconnect and function, the surgically damaged tissue will hold fluid because of poor lymphatic drainage. When lymphs reconnect, swelling disapates. Recovery process depends on the case of each patients. While some patients may recover faster than others.

How long do I need to stay in Vietnam after surgery?

It depends on the procedure. In our email discussion we supply a recommended time frame. Please feel free to reach out via our Enquire Now form.

Would I achieve a 100 percent of my desired result?

That needs to be asked when you meet with the surgeon on your first consultation. The result will vary according to the skill of the surgeon and the frame of each patient. Everyone has a different body frame and facial structure, this is why the result will vary according to each person. Our surgeons are leading experts in the cosmetic industries who have been trained oversea (America, Korea and Thailand) with many years of experience, we will try our best to make sure you are satisfied with the result and our service. Your smile is our motivation.

If I decide to cancel surgery will I get my deposit back?

After the consultation with our surgeon, we will ask you to make a 50% deposit. If you choose to cancel the surgery, you will lose the deposit.

What happens if something goes wrong during my surgery?

Everyone who gets cosmetic surgery hopes for the perfect result. But complications can occur, and you should think about how to handle them before having the procedure done.

Follow these steps if something goes wrong:

  • Talk with your surgeon – Be honest and open with your feelings and expect the same from your surgeon. Try to understand what happened and, if possible, why it happened — without assigning blame. Most importantly, make sure you understand the solution that is offered.
  • Give yourself time to reflect – Be objective. Try not to let emotions such as fear and anger interfere with your thinking. Be patient. This is stressful for you, probably your family and for your surgeon. Realise that many problems will resolve in time as your body heals.
  • Consider a second cosmetic procedure – If the healing process has completed and you’re still not satisfied, talk with your surgeon about a second procedure. You should discuss in detail the risks, the worse-case scenario, the costs, and the plan of action if the revision fails. Some surgeons will not charge a fee for revision surgery, but you may be charged facility and anesthesia fees. You may prefer to ask for a second opinion at this point, which may help ease your doubts and provide a new perspective for both you and your surgeon.
What if there is an emergency during the surgery?

The surgeon and the anesthesiologist will perform emergency techniques on the operation table. If the patient’s condition worsens then the patient will be transferred to the closest hospital (Chợ Rẫy Hospital or 115 Hospital). Before a surgery, each patient is required to undergo all examinations necessary. The surgeon and the anesthesiologist will examine the results to ensure it is safe for the patient to undergo the surgery. The surgeon will only perform the surgery if the patient’s examination results indicates it is safe to do so.

What if a complication arises after I return home?

Give us a call immediately.Use our toll free number for clients from Australia 1800 823 058 or email for a response. For emergency, the patient must go to the closest hospital.

Question mark with thumbtack

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I liaise with the surgeon to obtain clarity on my desired procedure?

Consultation takes place before any surgery to discuss specifics of the surgery. We understand every patient is nervous before the surgery, and hence would want the surgeon to understand clearly the look they want to achieve and clearly explain the procedure and the recovery time to them.

Our customer service team is always available for you to send your queries with pictures attached through our Enquire Now form. They will pass it on to the surgeon who will recommend the best treatment plan for you.

As our goal is to enhance your natural beauty using the most advanced and minimally invasive techniques and technologies, our surgeon will recommend the best treatment tailored for you and advise you on how low you should plan to stay in Vietnam.

What are the things I should be prepared to ask my surgeon?

Whatever question is on your mind. There is no wrong question.

What exactly does the surgeon discuss during the pre-consultation?

The surgeon will need to understand the desired look the patient is aiming for. By examining the patient, the surgeon will recommend the best treatment plan for each patient base on the patient’s frame and limitations. The surgeon will clearly explain the procedure to the patient, how long the procedure will be and how long it takes to recover. If you are traveling to Vietnam, it will be good to ask the surgeon how long you should stay in Vietnam to undergo the surgery.

Do I need to bring any surgical garments?

No, all garments are provided.

Can I view before and after photographs of patients?

Yes – please ask us and we’d be delighted to share these with you.

Do I need to stop all my medications and vitamins before surgery?

Most surgeons provide their patients with a complete list of foods and medications to avoid prior to surgery. The most common of these are aspirin and aspirin-like products like Motrin, Advil, Aleve, etc. In addition, common supplements to avoid include Vitamin E, glucosamine/chondroitin, and fish oil. Certain foods can be rich in Vitamin E and natural salicylates and should be avoided. In general Magnesium is safe, but still would be wise to check a magnesium level as part of your routine preoperative bloodwork. Vitamin B12 is water soluble and is hard to absorb from your GI tract so it is hard to get a toxic dose of B12. Even toxic doses with intramuscular administration are rare. But still would be prudent check with your hematologist to assess your dose of Vitamin B12 and your need to be on it. Good luck with your surgery!

I am overweight. Am I suitable for surgery?
Most plastic surgeries are elective procedures. However, don’t be misled by the word “elective”: a cosmetic procedure is a real surgery, make no mistake. To undergo any elective aesthetic surgery, you must be in good physical health. But what if you want to have a cosmetic procedure, yet you’re not at an ideal weight? Is plastic surgery safe if you’re overweight?

Many studies have shown that overweight and obese patients are at greater risk of developing complications after surgery. Compared to normal-weight patients, rates of heart attack and infection are higher when obese people have surgery. So it’s always best to have your weight in a normal range when you have cosmetic surgery.

Let’s look at the definition of “overweight” and then review some healthy ways to achieve a goal weight. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has an easy way to express the relationship between an adult’s height and weight: your body mass index (BMI). You can use the NIH’s online calculator to find your number. A BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is normal.

Healthy non-smokers with a BMI in the normal range experience fewer complications from surgery. Someone with a BMI of 25 to 30 is considered overweight and a BMI over 30 is categorized as obese. Most Plastic Surgeons recommend that patients who are considering plastic surgery have a BMI below 30.

If your BMI is above 30 and you want to reduce your weight, you should plan to achieve your goal in a healthy way. First, exercise should be part of your life. When exercise is coupled with a sensible eating plan, the two work together better than either one alone. In fact, any plan to lose weight to have plastic surgery should involve both exercise and nutrition. Remember that your goal is not just to be slimmer, it’s to be in great health for surgery and optimal recovery.

Thirty to forty-five minutes of moderate exercise, like walking or biking, four or more days a week, works great. If you’re saving up for a procedure, don’t feel obligated to spring for a gym membership or expensive exercise equipment; you can begin by simply walking around your neighborhood. Consult a nutritionist, rather than resorting to the latest diet fad, for guidelines on how to eat. You want to be sure that you are not starving your body of the nutrients that it needs.

It’s ideal to be as close to your goal weight as possible before looking into plastic surgery. When your weight has become stable and exercise is a regular part of your life, you’ll be a better candidate for safe cosmetic surgery. As part of his commitment to his patients, Dr. Buford has recently developed a supplement plan for his plastic surgery patients to help them be at optimal health prior to their procedures. Come in for a consultation so the two of you can discuss whether you’re ready for cosmetic surgery.

Do I need to quit smoking before surgery?

Quitting smoking one or two months before planned surgery can significantly lower the risk of complications like poor wound healing. You should consult our surgeon before the surgery.

Many people are nervous before going into surgery – and those who smoke are probably not thinking about quitting right now and having to deal with the additional stress that would involve. But people who smoke are much more likely to have complications after surgery, and especially poor wound healing is more common.

Do I need to change money into your local currency before coming to Vietnam?

We strongly recommend waiting till you get here as you will get a better exchange rate. Get $30 dollars before leaving so that you can get some basics when you arrive.

What do I need to bring along with me to Vietnam?

Comfortable shoes, 100% cotton clothing and a good book. Please let us know if you are traveling alone to Vietnam to undergo the surgery, so our customer service team can help you through the recovery process.

Can you recommend any local accommodations in Vietnam?

Yes. All recommendations are within less than 10 minutes walking distance. Contact us via our Enquire Now form and include your flight details and accommodation budget, so our team will be happy to assist you in booking a hotel.

Will you arrange for transportation to and from the airport during my stay?

All overseas vistitors are picked up at the airport and taken to their hotel. You are taken to our hospital for your first appointment. At completion we drive you back to the airport.

How long will I have swelling and redness on my face after a facelift?

I tell my patients the following. Most look fine and can get back to work and play at two weeks but they will need to accept the fact that confidentiality is not possible at two weeks. Don’t plan for the annual photo for at least 3 or 4 months by then most look fine. Swelling is quick to dissipate 60 % in the first 2 weeks but then the long wait begins. Avoiding salt and sleeping with head elevated helps. Occasionally I recommend diuretics for a boost in swelling reduction. By 3 months most have 80% of swelling gone. Buy 6 months 85 to 90 % is gone. The last 10% can take most of a full year. There are huge differences in people. I have been amazed at how some swell so little and some so much. A GREAT TRICK is to go on a very low salt diet starting 2 weeks prior to surgery. Try to not go over 1500 mg per day. Remember the cause of swelling. Surgery disturbs your little lymphatics. There are zillions of these little vessels. Enough to stretch to the moon in one person. Until they reconnect and function, the surgically damaged tissue will hold fluid because of poor lymphatic drainage. When lymphs reconnect, swelling disapates. Recovery process depends on the case of each patients. While some patients may recover faster than others.

How long do I need to stay in Vietnam after surgery?

It depends on the procedure. In our email discussion we supply a recommended time frame. Please feel free to reach out via our Enquire Now form.

Would I achieve a 100 percent of my desired result?

That needs to be asked when you meet with the surgeon on your first consultation. The result will vary according to the skill of the surgeon and the frame of each patient. Everyone has a different body frame and facial structure, this is why the result will vary according to each person. Our surgeons are leading experts in the cosmetic industries who have been trained oversea (America, Korea and Thailand) with many years of experience, we will try our best to make sure you are satisfied with the result and our service. Your smile is our motivation.

If I decide to cancel surgery will I get my deposit back?

After the consultation with our surgeon, we will ask you to make a 50% deposit. If you choose to cancel the surgery, you will lose the deposit.

What happens if something goes wrong during my surgery?

Everyone who gets cosmetic surgery hopes for the perfect result. But complications can occur, and you should think about how to handle them before having the procedure done.

Follow these steps if something goes wrong:

  • Talk with your surgeon – Be honest and open with your feelings and expect the same from your surgeon. Try to understand what happened and, if possible, why it happened — without assigning blame. Most importantly, make sure you understand the solution that is offered.
  • Give yourself time to reflect – Be objective. Try not to let emotions such as fear and anger interfere with your thinking. Be patient. This is stressful for you, probably your family and for your surgeon. Realise that many problems will resolve in time as your body heals.
  • Consider a second cosmetic procedure – If the healing process has completed and you’re still not satisfied, talk with your surgeon about a second procedure. You should discuss in detail the risks, the worse-case scenario, the costs, and the plan of action if the revision fails. Some surgeons will not charge a fee for revision surgery, but you may be charged facility and anesthesia fees. You may prefer to ask for a second opinion at this point, which may help ease your doubts and provide a new perspective for both you and your surgeon.
What if there is an emergency during the surgery?

The surgeon and the anesthesiologist will perform emergency techniques on the operation table. If the patient’s condition worsens then the patient will be transferred to the closest hospital (Chợ Rẫy Hospital or 115 Hospital). Before a surgery, each patient is required to undergo all examinations necessary. The surgeon and the anesthesiologist will examine the results to ensure it is safe for the patient to undergo the surgery. The surgeon will only perform the surgery if the patient’s examination results indicates it is safe to do so.

What if a complication arises after I return home?

Give us a call immediately.Use our toll free number for clients from Australia 1800 823 058 or email for a response. For emergency, the patient must go to the closest hospital.

Worldwide Dental & Cosmetic Surgery Hospital | (+84966563878) - (+84922253888)